Application is an interactive program that runs on a web server and is accessed through a web browser.
App is built so that the user interface provides data back to the development team that designed it.
This data offers insights into customer interests, usage, and preferences that can prove invaluable to product and marketing strategies.
The data can also inform optimization and other client-centered aspects of the mobile app or desktop applications.

Products of Application
- Desktop Application - Cross Platform ( iOS and Windows )
- Company / Agency Websites – Static Web
- Community Web Portal – Dynamic Web
- Learning Management System
- Online Store Web Applications with payment integration
- School/University Web Portal
- Product Landing Pages

Global progressive web application Market: By End-Users Segment Analysis
Small and Medium Enterprise
Large Enterprise
Global progressive web application Market: Industry Vertical Analysis
Media and Entertainment
Travel and Tourism
Retail and E-Commerce
Real Estate
Application Life-cycle and Process
Roadmap Document: Defining Application, Purpose, Goals, and Direction.
Researching and Defining Audience Scope and Security Documents.
Creating Functional Specifications or Feature Summary Document.
Team Collaboration and Project Management Document.
Technology Selection, Technical Specifications, Illustrative Diagram of Web Application Architecture and Structure, Development Methodology, Versions Control, Backups, Upgrades, Expansion and Growth Planning Document, Server Hardware / Software Selection.
Third Party Vendors Analysis and Selection (Merchant Account and Payment Gateway, SSL Certificate, Managed Server / Colocated Server Provider, Fulfillment Centers, Website Visitor Analytics Software, Third Party Checkout Systems, etc.).
Application Visual Guide, Design Layout, Interface Design, Wire Framing.
Database Structure Design and Web Application Development.
Testing: Quality Assurance, Multiple Browser Compatibility, Security, Performance – Load and Stress Testing, Usability.